Monday, August 23, 2010

What is the best shampoo for washing yorkies?

I actually have two yorkies and a friend of mine has five, she is also a groomer and shows her females. She suggested Garnier Fructis or Aussie human shampoos. I know that for some dog breeds this can dry the coat, but if your Yorkie has a silkier coat, it is very close to human hair and the results are amazing. I always use tearless baby shampoo for the head and face though.What is the best shampoo for washing yorkies?
you can use dawn dishwasher soap, it works just as well, and isnt harmfull, jsut remember to wash from behind the ears back and not the face with any shampoo you use, and just wash the face with a washcloth with warm waterWhat is the best shampoo for washing yorkies?
In all honesty I've never tried washing a choclate bar. LOL.
I have shih tzu's and I bathe them in tearless baby shampoo and my vet recommended it.
I heard that you should use the most sensitive shampoo you can find. Even though my yorkie is over a year old, I use a no-tears puppy shampoo. Since he doesnt have fleas, I dont use a flea shampoo since it's more harsh than what I have right now.

I even take his shampoo to the groomer. He came home with a pinkish rash on him once and I figured it was the kind of shampoo she was using. He hasnt broken out since.

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