he has raw inflamed itching skin and just has a few few fleas and he is bathed every other day he is a chihuahuaWhat is the best kind of shampoo for dogs who bite their selves with a allergy?
tick,flea and alergy shampoo the bes thingWhat is the best kind of shampoo for dogs who bite their selves with a allergy?
mossberg 500
an oatmeal based shampoo with cond
I have a chihuahua too,and he did the same thing,and sometimes still does.This is what we did,we changed his food to a real lamb and rice food,like IAMS or Nutro,and it slowed him down from chewing.Sulfadine does work a little but not much.Chihuahua's are very allergic dogs and there's not really you can do much.My neighbor has one and he does the same thing.I was noticing him not chewing or scratching as much as my dog is,I asked her what did she put on him and she said nothing,just gave him a bath in SOS (Skin So Soft)by Avon.I haven't tried that yet because I know of no Avon dealer around the house to try it.Also keep in mind to give him a bath once a week,with luke warm water,more on the cold side.Good Luck
Your vet can give you the proper shampoo, but you really need to get rid of the fleas - that is the most important thing to do. You will need to get rid of them on the dog, and in your house and in the yard, or they will keep reinfecting him. He really needs to see a vet to get relief.
I have a chihuahua with the same condition I use an oatmeal based shampoo and try not to bathe every other day as this tends to dry the skin out even more. also my vet told me that i could give him benadryl...yes i said benadryl daily for allergies. Kip weighs 7 pounds and vet advised 1/8 tsp. up to twice daily if needed. as for the fleas i would recommend K9 advantix or frontline those type things. sprays and powders also dry the skin out. hope it works for your little guy.
really anything with oatmeal in it. people use aveeno but just look for something other than Hartz brand that has oatmeal in it. Hartz has been known to cause allergic reactions in dogs that are either hairless or small amounts of hair like your chihuahua. My cockerspaniel is the same way and I get it directly from the vet.
you should have a vet subcribe something
definitely an oatmeal based shampoo, you can find the best ones at vets offices. you shouldn't be bathing him every other day. most of his problem could be these frequent bathes. when you bathe him he looses the natural oils his skin produces and causes dryness. i would start by cutting down the bathes to once every 10 to 12 days. that should be more than plenty. if he has fleas you should use something like frontline, program, advantage etc. he could also have an allergy to fleas.
You also have to treat the underlying cause of the allergy. If you know what it is great, if not, consider changing the dog's food.
Go to naturapet.com for all you need to know about allergic pets. They also have one of the best foods out there as well. I feed my very allergic dog California Natural Lamb and Rice and have no complaints. They also have a Skin and Coat Supplement.
Avoid foods that contain corn and wheat. They are the worst allergens.
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